Titoli, Abstracts e parole chiave volume XXXII (2020)
Graziano Ranocchia, La vita di Aristone di Chio nella [Rassegna degli Stoici] di Filodemo (P. Herc. 1018, coll. 10 e 33-37). Edizione, introduzione e commento, pp. 7-156
I offer here a new critical edition of the Life of the early heterodox Stoic thinker Aristo of Chios included in Philodemus’ History of the Stoa (or Index Stoicorum), with introduction and commentary.
Keywords: P. Herc. 1018, Philodemus’ Index Stoicorum, Aristo of Chios.
Diletta Minutoli, Ordine di comparizione (PL III/1024), pp. 157-163
Edition of a new so-called summons. The papyrus, dated to third cen. AD and probably coming from Arsinoites (as can be seen from the formula), is preserved in the Medicea Laurenziana Library of Florence.
Keywords: Summons, Order to Arrest, Archephodos.
Gabriella Messeri, P. Mich. inv. 336 b+a, c, d, recto e verso: un frammento di registro fiscale di tasse riscosse in denaro riutilizzato per un conto privato di vino, pp. 165-194
Mich. inv. 336 was divided into 4 fragments of different sizes: 2 large (a and b) and 2 very small (c and d) fragments. They are written both on the recto and on the verso. The text of the recto contains 4 columns of a register of land taxes paid in money; the text of the verso is a wine account in which a vintner lists the keramia of wine he sold during a four-month period. In the present paper it is shown that fr. a joins fr. b directly as well as fr. c; only fr. d remains isolated. The complete edition of the register and the wine account is therefore provided (fr. b had already been published and it is republished here). The onomastics of the register and the presence in it of an already known person confirm its origin from Oxyrhynchus. The tax (or taxes), whose payers and dues are listed in the register, are land taxes that are certainly levied on vineyard, olive grove and orchard land. An element of great interest is the new information we get about a littleknown tax (τιμὴ λαχάνου) and about a so far completely unknown tax (?) called κομ(ιδή).
Keywords: Oxyrhynchites Land taxes, Wine, Private accounts.
Bianca Borrelli, P. Ctybr inv. 107r: una lista militare latina, pp. 195-299
This paper presents the ed. pr. of a problematic and apparently unparalleled Latin document, preserved by P. CtYBR inv. 107r and concerning the Roman army.
Keywords: Latin papyrus, Military list, Roman army.
Lincoln H. Blumell-Kerry Hull-Chiara Aliberti, Un’iscrizione funeraria in greco in triplice copia?, pp. 201-212
This article examines three pieces of cloth that contain the same Greek text. Two of these are located in the Tōyama Memorial Museum in Tokyo, Japan, while the third is in the Schøyen Collection. The burial formula present on all of the three copies preserves the name of the deceased, the names of his parents, the approximate age at the time of death, and the regnal year in which it occurred. However, it appears that the two copies in the Tōyama collection are modern forgeries of the Schøyen piece that is authentic. In this article, we expound on the reasons of our claim and provide an edition of the authentic piece.
Keywords: Bandages, Greco-Roman Period, Forgery.
Walter Lapini, L’invulnerabile Ceneo (P. Oxy. XIII 1611 = Acusilao di Argo 40° DK = FGrHist 2 F 22 = EGM 22 Fowler), pp. 213-224
The author deals with two difficult points in a fragment of Acusilaus of Argos preserved by P. Oxy. XIII 1611 (FGrHist 2 F 22 = EGM 22 Fowler = 22 Andolfi). The fragment refers to the myth of the Lapith Caeneus, born a woman with the name of Caenis (Caene in the papyrus) and then transformed into male by Poseidon, and made invulnerable. In the l. 59 the author reads αυτοισι̣σ̣τ̣ον, probably a corruption of αὐτῆι οἰστόν: «it was not tolerable for her [sc. Caenis/Caene] to have children either with him [sc. Poseidon] or with anyone else». However, P. Oxy. XIII 1611 presents a much more difficult problem of interpretation in ll. 65-68, where the sentence καὶ ὅτε τις αὐτὸν κεντοίη σιδήρωι ἢ χαλκῶι ἡλίσκετο μάλιστα χρημάτων has not yet found a satisfactory explanation, despite the many attempts of even illustrious scholars. Everything falls into place by reading <ἀν>ηλίσκετο, from ἀναλίσκειν “consume”: “if one struck Caeneus with iron or bronze, this was consumed more than any other material”. It would be a hyperbole; as if to say: the iron and the bronze, the hardest things, with Caeneus were useless: they wore out, they disappeared, more than if they were made of, say, chalk or clay.
Keywords: P. Oxy. XIII 1611, Acusilaus of Argos, Caeneus the Lapith.
Lorenzo Fati, P. Tebt. III 961 e la questione della titolarità del cosiddetto “archivio di Pankrates”: un nuovo approccio, pp. 225-242
The aim of this paper is to share with a wider audience P. Tebt. III 961, a document containing copies of an official correspondence, which caught my attention a few years ago, at the time when I was studying the composition of the cartonnages of human mummies found by Grenfell and Hunt in Tebtynis. Indeed this text increases the number of the connections already singled out by other scholars between P. Tebt. III and a large group of papyri of generic Arsinoitic provenance, purchased on the antiquities market by several institutions in the United States and Europe between the 70s and 80s of the last century.
My conviction (as well as my hope) is that this contribution may be useful to at least two categories of scholars. First, for anyone who is interested in P. Med. Bar., since the well known ὁ πρὸς τῇ συντάξει Pankrates (Pros. Ptol. 2499+add.) is the recipient of the orders by the strategos Phanias (Pros. Ptol. 340+add. = 406 = 1001), contained in P. Tebt. III 961, 13-14. Secondly, to those who, following a suggestion made by Willy Clarysse some years ago, intend to deal with Oxyrhyncha – and the villages that gravitated around it – as «area study».
The paper is bipartite. The first part is devoted to the ownership of the so-called “archive of Pankrates”: to the status quaestionis, follows a proposal for a new approach to the study of P. Med. Bar. that, hopefully, will help the inquiry about the keeper of the archive to progress beyond the current stalemate. Instead, the second part is devoted to P. Tebt. III 961: the Greek text is accompanied by an introduction, a translation and a wide commentary, which allows the document to be accurately placed in the historical context in which it was drawn up and, consequently, to get from it as much information as possible.
Keywords: Pankrates archive, Phanias, Chrematistai.
Sara El-Sayed Kitat, The Iconography of Kantharos Cups on Roman Period Egyptian Coffins from Deir El-Bahari, pp. 243-286
Group of Roman mummy masks was discovered in Deir el-Bahari and represents the deceased holding the kantharos wine cup in the right hand. The present paper throws the light on this vessel sufficiently to be used as the basis to question the purpose behind portraying the kantharos cup in this group of masks. To realize the iconographic connotation of the kantharoi on these masks, we should pursue the iconography of such cups as early as the Hellenistic period. The kantharoi of Naukratis functioned as votive objects as some of them bear dedicatory inscriptions. Many clay kantharoi were deposited in Ptolemaic tombs in Alexandria. These vessels might have been used during the daily life and deposited with its owner after death. The imagery of kantharoi vessels became more involved in funerary contexts in Egypt by the Roman times. Terenuthis stelae show the deceased in the reclining position and raising the kantharos cup with his or her right hand. To approach the iconographic significance of kantharoi cups on the masks of Deir el-Bahari, the context of this object should be considered. The cup is usually accompanied with bouquets and wreaths that were held in the left hand of the portrayed figure. Both the kantharos vase and wreath were explained to indicate their holder as one of the followers of the Isiac cult. The two objects were also connected with the Dionysiac cult of wine. The persistent imagery of kantharoi on the Roman masks in Deir el-Bahari suggests that this collection was produced by the same workshop which had its special artistic tendency. Another hypothesis assumes that such collection belongs to the Roman officials and their families who lived in Thebes. The shared characteristic features of the portrayed figures might be intentionally executed by the artist to reveal their cohesive bonding.
Keywords: Kantharos, Wine Cup, Mummy Mask.
Anna Di Giglio, Crotali a cembalo da Antinoupolis, pp. 287-294
In February 2006 were found two specimens of rattle-cymbal datable between IV and VII cen. They are reciprocal percussion idiophones and they represent the fusion of two different percussion instruments: rattle and cymbal; you could say that we are facing a “hybrid” of percussions. It was a musical instrument characteristic of popular occasions and religious feasts.
Keywords: Rattle, Cymbal, Antinoupolis.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Holger Essler, Unerwünschte Rollen in Hamburg. Zur Zwangszuweisung demotischer Papyri durch das Deutsche Papyruskartell, pp. 297-321
On provenance and acquisition of the demotic scrolls in the Hamburg papyrus collection (P. Hamb. dem. 2-14). They were acquired by Max Pieper on behalf of the Deutsches Papyruskartell and despite some protests assigned to Hamburg.
Keywords: Deutsches Papyruskartell, Demotic papyri, Hamburg, acquisition.
Anna Di Giglio, Paolo Emilio Pavolini a Nicola Pitta. Una lettera, pp. 323-328
In March 1919 Paolo Emilio Pavolini, indianist and expert of Eastern European languages and literature, and friend, among other scholars, of Giorgio Pasquali, writes to Nicola Pitta, Didactic Director of primary school in Apricena (FG), about the death of his colleague Carlo Luigi Torelli.
Keywords: Pavolini, Pitta, Torelli.
Francesco Pagnotta, Guido Gentilli: nuovi documenti, pp. 329-355
New documents are published here about Guido Gentilli, classical philologist, papyrologist and pedagogist, pupil of Girolamo Vitelli, unfortunately forgotten today, but praised by Vitelli himself as an excellent scientist and teacher. They are the surviving correspondence with Giuseppe Fraccaroli regarding the Greek Language and Literature programs for Gymnasium and Lyceum published in 1911.
Keywords: Guido Gentilli, Scholarly Correspondence, History of Classical Studies.
Libri Ricevuti, pp. 357-360
Magnani, rec. a Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini (CPF), Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina, Parte II.1: Frammenti adespoti, L. Olschki, Firenze 2019, 268 pp.
Indici a cura di D. Minutoli, pp. 361-368
Titoli, Abstracts e parole chiave volume XXXI (2019)
Chiara D’Agostino, P. Oxy. IV 781 + 782: due frammenti di un codice dell’Odissea, pp. 7-17
In this article it is argued that two papyrus fragments, previously published in the form of descriptions as P. Oxy. IV 781 and 782, are part of the same, early codex of the Odyssey. A full edition is offered, including a hypothetical codicological reconstruction.
Keywords: Oxyrhynchus, Papyrus codex, Homer.
Diletta Minutoli, Due nuovi frammenti letterari laurenziani: Hom., Ilias II 843-851; Hdt., Historiae VIII 142, 2-3, pp. 19-28
This paper presents the edition of two unpublished small papyrus fragments, which attest the 2nd Book of Iliad and the 8th of Herodotus’ Histories. Both the fragments date to 2nd-3rd cen. AD. The Homeric fragment joins a papyrus of the Florentine collection of PSI, edited as PSI Il. 9.
Keywords: New edition, Homer, Herodotus.
Gabriella Messeri, Dai papiri del Kôm K.ss.m: P. Flor. 388/b, Fr. (2) e la toparchia di Selilais e Sintaphu, pp. 29-42
Editio princeps of a fragment belonging to the group of papyri found in the house of Kôm K.ss.m (TM Arch ID 555). The fragment contains notes of a fiscal nature on both sides. The note on the front records the payment of a tax, probably the naubion, and is valuable for the topographical information it provides: for the first time, in fact, it is specified that the villages of Selilais and Sintaphu are included in the Lower Patre toparchy. The note written on the back records payments of taxes per capita; thanks to it we now know that some already well-known men (Plutas, Diskas) were of servile condition.
Keywords: Roman Egypt, Topography, Taxation.
Antonio Stornaiuolo, An Unpublished Manumissio inter amicos (P. Mich. inv. 5688c), pp. 43-59
The paper provides the editio princeps of P. Mich. inv. 5688c, a fragment whose remnants contain an Arsinoite bilingual Manumissio inter amicos. This enfranchisement deed, whose writing ranges roughly from 212p to 250p, is the only parallel to M. Chr. 362, i.e. the sole bilingual manumissio inter amicos published so far. Although the text of P. Mich. inv. 5688c features the usual pattern of this typology of enfranchisements (cf. not only M. Chr. 362, but also P. Lips. II 151 and P. Oxy. IX 1205, both supposedly Greek translations of Latin deeds) and refers to a similar general context (cf. sex and age of the freed slave in all parallels), it shows some contextual and textual peculiarities: the former linked with the fact that the document was probably drawn up in Arsinoe and only at a later stage brought to Karanis, the latter include the mention to a likely delayed payment, the lack of the Stipulationsklausel and the double use of the verb μαρτυρῶ.
Keywords: Manumissio inter amicos, Slavery (in Roman Egypt), Bilingual documentary Papyrology.
Hermann Harrauer, Araber vor der arabischen Zeit in Ägypten, pp. 61-70
The present paper focuses on Greek papyri written before 643 AD, mentioning Arab names and goods. It provides the new edition of a papyrus dated to 6th AD, that contains a list of taxes, among which the tax on a public Arab bath is named.
Keywords: Arabs, List of names on papyrus, New edition.
Giuseppe Ucciardello, P. Berol. inv. 21134: frammento di prosa (oratoria o retorica?), pp. 71-74
The paper is centered on a new edition of P. Berol. inv. 21134 (BKT IX 35): after a palaeographical reappraisal of the scrap, a new critical text is provided equipped with a short commentary on selected lines.
Keywords: Literary papyri, Prose text, Oratory.
Menico Caroli, P. Lond. inv. 2110 recto (= SB XX 14599): riedizione e commento, pp. 75-94
The paper offers a new edition of P. Lond. inv. 2110 recto (= SB XX 14599), fragmentary account, dating from the first half of the 3rd century AD, of the receipt of a professional scriptorium. It was purchased along with other papyri, among which nearly all whose provenance could be identified were from Oxyrhynchus. Edited by H.I. Bell (1921) and K. Ohly (1928), the account provides two different scales of pay of professional scribes: the scribe’s payment was in fact based on the quality of the writing. At the end of the same account there’s a detailed estimate for the repair of a roof and for the purchase of medicines.
Keywords: Cost of papyrus, Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, Stichometry.
Ignacio Simón Cornago, Las cartas ibéricas sobre plomo, pp. 95-126
It is proposed that some lead sheets with Iberian inscriptions are letters, because they shared a singular text layout with the Greek ones: on the hidden side is written the main text, running along the long side of the lead sheet, and, on the outer side of the roll, is written the address (a personal name), parallel to short side of the lead sheet.
Keywords: Lead sheets, Iberian inscriptions, Ampurias.
Diletta Minutoli, Un amuleto magico proveniente da Antinoupolis, pp. 127-135
This paper presents the edition of a stone amulet, recovered in Antinoupolis. The triangular amulet shows a variant of a well-known formula (αβεραμενθω ου λαθερξαν) in one side, and the common vowel sequence, charakteres and an invocation to Jesus Christ on the other side.
Keywords: Stone amulet, Magic amulet, Christian Antinoupolis.
Lucio Del Corso-Rosario Pintaudi, Quattro iscrizioni funerarie greche dalla necropoli romana di Antinoupolis, pp. 137-150
Edition of four funerary inscriptions coming from the Roman Necropolis of Antinoupolis. They can be assigned to the 2nd-3rd century AD, and therefore they refer to the first generations of Greek settlers of the city after Hadrian’s ‘foundation’. One of them (nr. 3) is metrical and another (nr. 2) seems to follow a metrical pattern.
Keywords: Greek inscriptions, Antinoupolis, Roman Egypt.
Rosario Pintaudi-Matteo Borrini-Pier Paolo Mariani, Γεῶργιϲ παλαιϲτήϲ – Giorgio il lottatore. Il suo sarcofago ed il suo femore, pp. 151-161
In October 2011, during the inspection around the peristyle in the Northern Necropolis of the archaeological site of Antinoupolis, the archaeologists found some clandestine pits.
Approximately at the center of the peristyle, one of them contained the remains of a lid of a wooden sarcophagus with a still legible name of a buried man identified as Giorgio the fighter.
The wooden case contained a small fragment of a decorated cloth and a femur presumably belonging to the buried man.
Thanks to anthropological analysis, the anthropologists of the mission confirmed the biological profile of the buried man. The anthropological study included anthropometric measurements coded by R. Martin and K. Saller and osteobiographic analysis regarding muscular marks recorded on the skeletal system deriving from physical activity of the subject.
The epigraphic study and the anthropological analysis confirmed the belonging of the sarcophagus to a physically active young adult male in a good state of health.
Keywords: Antinoupolis, Burial, An.Hu.B.I Project-Anthropological analysis.
Federico Favi, Note linguistiche a P. Ant. I 15 (com. adesp. fr. 1084 K.-A.), pp. 163-168
Recent scholarship has aimed at negating, on linguistic grounds, the possibility that P. Ant. I 15 may preserve a fragment of Menander. In this article, it is argued that, although it cannot be regarded as entirely certain, it is very possible and indeed on balance most likely that the text is by Menander.
Keywords: P. Ant. I 15, Menander, New Comedy.
Konstantine Panegyres, (Δια)φυλάσσω + Dat.: A Footnote, pp. 169-170
The rare construction (δια)φυλάσσω + dative object, previously known only from three inscriptions in Egypt, is also found in some later Greek texts.
Keywords: (δια)φυλάσσω, Dative, Inscriptions.
Roberto Mascellari, Sicurezza, osservanza delle regole, procedure di polizia nell’Egitto romano: il ruolo degli ufficiali di villaggio nella presentazione di petizioni, pp. 171-209
This contribution examines to what extent village officials were involved in the handling of crimes in the first three centuries of Roman rule in Egypt (I-IIIp). It emerges that village officials played a primary role in the early enquiries, as they represented the main point of contact for any villager who sought guidance and support in case of offence. They were assigned well-defined tasks in the police system and were able, within prescribed limits, to act independently from higher authorities. The evidence shows that the interaction between villagers and local officials after a reported crime often determined the adoption of a specific legal procedure by the offended party: frequently, the prompt submission of written complaints to higher officials. This study suggests that, contrary to previous views, the work of village officials in dealing with crime was fundamental for the functioning of the broader police and legal system.
Keywords: Police, Egyptian villages, Petitions.
Hermann Harrauer-Istvan Kóvacs, Kleine Anmerkungen zu καρακάλλιον. Erweiterte Dokumentation, pp. 211-223
The emperor Caracalla, during his victorious campaign against Teutoni (213 AD) spread a new dress for the soldiers: this mantle took the name from winner in the way of an advertising strategy: the “karakallion”. The documents on papyrus testified the triumphal procession in Egypt. The interest is that the fashion article became the soldier’s original suit in the price edict of Diocletian.
Keywords: Karakallion, Soldiers’ robe, Clothing in Antiquity.
Hamada Kellawy, Some Decorated Blocks from Antinoupolis, pp. 225-234
Edition of 8 blocks, named Talatat by their physical characteristics, coming from Amarna, but reused and found in the site of Antinoupolis (middle Egypt).
Keywords: Talatat, Amarna blocks, Antinoupolis.
Moamen Mohamed Othman-Mohamed Abdelrahman-Ibrahim Abdel–Fattah-Eid Mertah, The Engraved Glass Heart of the Lady Nfrw ⯑⯑⯑⯑ Multi-Visualization of an Inscribed Amulet, pp. 235-247
The present study focuses on one of unseen treasures which is an engraved glass heart amulet incised with Bnw bird on the front and hieroglyphic text on the back. The heart glass is carved from transparent, greenish blue glass decorated with trace of pigment; eyelet on top. This glass amulet is preserved at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo EMC, JE 92635, and belongs to collection of the Lady Nfrw – Ramesside period 19th dynasty – discovered among other objects in 1957 at Saqqara Necropolis. It is the oldest known example of glass made using the engraving technique. The aim of this study is to analyze the glass heart using Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) and Optical Light Microscope (OLM) to reveal more information related to the engraving technique and the tools used onthe glass surface.
Keywords: Heart glass, Bennu Bird (Phoenix), Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI)-Optical Light Microscope (OLM).
Emanuela Borgia, Aswan Thin-Walled Figure Painted Bowls from Antinoupolis, pp. 249-260
This paper re-examines a peculiar and quite rare type of thin-walled wares produced in the Aswan region. These small bowls depict on the inner surface a stylised male figure in black or brown colour, naked or with tiny white cloth, sometimes wearing a white necklace. The man is represented in an odd position, maybe running or dancing, and holds a sort of rope in both hands. Taking into consideration four new fragments of such ware uncovered at Antinoupolis in past campaigns, it is possible to reassess the overall information concerning this unusual thin-walled production, which is typical of Egypt.
Keywords: Antinoupolis, Ancient pottery, Aswan ware.
Marcello Spanu, Una singolare lucerna a forma di barca da Antinoupolis, pp. 261-288
This note discusses an unusual boat-shaped multi-nozzled lamp, found in Antinoupolis in 2019. The lamp is decorated with a bust of Serapis and is very well preserved.
A brief review of the boat-shaped decorated and undecorated lamps with multiple nozzles is proposed, but the specimen from Antinoupolis has some peculiarities and results different from the others.
In particular, the special handles applied to the body of the lamp and its not-used condition lead us to suppose that it had a particular function.
Keywords: Boat-shaped lamp, Pottery, Serapis.
Ahmed Khairy-Abeer F. Elhagrassy-Naglaa Mahmoud Ali, The Effect of Oxygen Absence on Ancient Egyptian Pigments. Sterilization of an Ancient Painted Wooden Object Using Anoxia, pp. 289-300
The sterilization of organic objects with inert gases is one of the safest methods used in restoration and analysis. Nitrogen N2 is introduced into a hermetic environment, which reduces oxygen levels and eliminates the presence of insects and other aerobic organisms. The fumigation process takes two to three weeks and requires levels of ≤ 2% oxygen and ≥ 98% nitrogen.
This study considers the effect this sterilization method, using low levels of oxygen to kill insects and all the other aerobic organisms, has onthe pigments and colors of ancient Egyptian painted wooden sarcophagi that contain mummified organs.
Keywords: Anoxia, Nitrogen, Fumigation.
Ira Rabin-Carsten Wintermann-Oliver Hahn, Ink Characterization, Performed in Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (September 2018), pp. 301-313
Using NIR reflectography and X-Ray fluorescence analysis we discovered that black writing inks of two different compositions were used in the Laurenziana Fayyum scroll (P. Laur. Inv. 19655). Besides carbon, one of the inks contained a great deal of copper whereas the other one had a considerable amount of iron. In contrast, our analysis of the ink remnants detected on the calamus from Narmuthis-Fayyum revealed a proper carbon-based ink. Finding such a great diversity of the inks in the first centuries of the common era stresses the necessity for a routine instrumental ink analysis.
Keywords: Ink composition, Reflectography, X-Ray Fluorescence analysis.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Francesco Pagnotta, Il concorso di Greco a Palermo del 1899: nuovi documenti, pp. 317-333
New documents are published here regarding the Greek Literature competition at the University of Palermo in 1899, preserved in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Fondo Vitelli. These are some of the judgments of commissioners Vittorio Puntoni and Giuseppe Fraccaroli (in particular of the latter on Nicola Festa) present in the minutes of the competition and later copied by Girolamo Vitelli, then superior advisor of public education.
Keywords: Vitelli, Festa’s competition, History of Classical Studies.
Nikolaos Gonis-Susan Fogarty, Letters of A.S. Hunt and O. Gradenwitz, 1900-1933, pp. 335-350
An annotated edition of the extant correspondence of A.S. Hunt and O. Gradenwitz and related items: fourteen letters and postcards written by Hunt to O. Gradenwitz; one letter of Gradenwitz to Hunt; one postcard sent by Gradenwitz to H.I. Bell; and a letter of W.G. Waddell to Bell.
Keywords: Correspondence, A.S. Hunt, O. Gradenwitz.
Davide Astori, Julius Richard Penndorf, il papirologo “dimenticato”, pp. 351-367
Papyrology as a manifold discipline has always been rich in wellknown scholars of both scientific depth and cultural importance. Perhaps not as well-known as many of his colleagues, “vergessener Esperantologe” (forgotten esperantologe) Julius Richard Penndorf stands out for a versatility (as a philologist and Esperantist) whose more unorthodox and lesserknown features this paper aims to explore.
Keywords: Julius Richard Penndorf, Germana Esperanto-Asocio [GEA], Grekaj Papirusoj.
Rachel Yuen-Collingridge, Constantine Simonides and Papyrus Fragments of Gemistus Pletho’s Μαγικὰ λόγια τῶν ἀπὸ Ζωροάστρου μάγων, pp. 369-385
This article identifies the probable source for one of Constantine Simonides’ papyrus forgeries ‘discovered’ in the Egyptological collection of Joseph Mayer in Liverpool. The papyrus forgery reproduces sections of Gemistus Pletho’s fifteenth collection of sayings attributed to Zoroaster.
Keywords: Constantine Simonides, Forgery, Gemistus Pletho.
Libri Ricevuti, pp. 387-392
Minutoli, Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini (CPF). Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina, Parte II.3: Gnomica, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki 2017, pp. XLVII + 444 (ISBN 9788822265395; ISSN 1122-0872), e Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini (CPF). Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina. Parte IV.2: Tavole (II.2 e II.3), Firenze, Leo S. Olschki 2018, pp. XXXIV + 82, con 127 figure e 3 pieghevoli (ISBN 9788822265708).
Indici a cura di D. Minutoli, pp. 393-398
Valeria Piano, Riesame di P. Princ. III 115: «Philosophical Treatise (?)», pp. 7-15
The paper presents an overall re-examination of P. Princ. III 115. In addition to providing a correct papyrological description of the piece, which is written on both faces by different hands, it offers a new commented edition of both the texts preserved one on the recto (documentary) and the other on the verso (philosophical?).
Salvatore Costanza, Il Corpus dei papiri greci di ieroscopia: addenda e ulteriori considerazioni, pp. 17-37
Greek papyri on Hieroscopy provide us a relevant source on Late Antique religion. They show evidence about the practice of interpreting animal entrails, especially the liver, of ritual victims. Sacrificial divination was widespread at Roman Imperial times. The already known handbooks provide remarkable information about the history of extispicy. Beyond any doubt, papyrus fragments of the University Library in Geneva (inv. 161) are to be listed among the witnesses about liver-divination. It is matters of a treatise revealing many technical details related to this practice.
Bianca Borrelli, Due contratti di prestito dalla casa del kôm Kâssûm: una riedizione (PSI V 470) e due correzioni, pp. 39-46
This paper deals with two contracts for loans in kind belonging to the private archive of the «kôm Kâssûm family» (TM Arch_ID 555). It provides a new edition of PSI V 470, including the neglected line on the verso, and two corrections to PSI VII 802.
Diletta Minutoli, Elenco di vesti (PL III/754 A), pp. 47-55
This fragment of papyrus, kept in the Medicea Laurentiana Library, contains a list of clothes/fabrics, some of which are unusual. The nature of the document is uncertain.
Agostino Soldati – Rosario Pintaudi, Nuovi documenti dall’archivio di Aristofane figlio di Giovanni, pp. 57-64
The article offers the edition of four 8th century ostraca kept in the Museo Archeologico of Florence. There are a Greek receipt for Islamic poll-tax, a Coptic similar text, a Coptic receipt for an amount of wheat and a Coptic list of likely taxpayers. The first two documents belongs to the dossier of the scribe Aristophanes of Geme. The last two are plausibly to be referred to the same milieu where he acted.
Giulio Iovine, New Textual Perspectives on the Feriale Duranum (P. Dura 54), pp. 65-78
This paper offers a papyrological re-assessment of three passages in the Feriale Duranum (P. Dura 54). It establishes the presence of L. Aelius Caesar, the first designated heir to the throne of Hadrian (col. I 11-12); it sustains two readings by Fink (col. I 24 and 29); and lastly, it argues for the presence of a dies natalis, perhaps of an unspecified diua (col. II 27).
Ornella Salati, Su alcuni documenti latini su papiro delle collezioni di Firenze, pp. 79-94
This paper deals with four Latin documentary texts on papyrus which have already been published: PSI inv. 3244 is a list of bank-workers, P. Flor. II 129r and PSI inv. 2450v preserve accounts, PSI inv. 1686r details cavalrymen performing the local watching. For each of these papyri new readings and interpretations are here proposed.
Giuseppina Azzarello, Titles of Parts and Parts of a Title: Incipits as Possible Indicators of Textual Traditions in Graeco-Roman Tables of Division, pp. 95-111
This paper offers a textual and chronological analysis of the headings of division tables, i.e. the lines occurring at the beginning of the tables and mentioning the divisor. Such an examination aims at outlining chronological parameters within which conventions were used, and at identifying periods of transition from one to another.
Aikaterini Koroli, Verbal Abuse in Ancient Greek Epistolography: The Case Study of an “Indecent Proposal”, pp. 113-135
The present paper offers a detailed study of P. Oxy. XLII 3070, a private letter dated to the first century CE and written in the post-classical Greek vernacular. The letter in question constitutes a very interesting case in Greek epistolography, since its senders refer very explicitly to sexual practices and connect them to corporal violence. Despite its short length, a wide variety of linguistic strategies are used. The main text is accompanied by a crude labelled drawing. The focus of the article is on whether, how, and to what extent this letter is composed as an act of verbal abuse. The line between the excessive expression of desire – which is not to be considered as abusive per se – and the abusive language is carefully drawn by means of a systematic and thorough analysis of all points of interest and their interaction. On a second level the possible intentions of the senders are discussed and a reconstruction of the situational context of the letter is attempted.
Dieter Hagedorn, Bemerkungen zu den arsinoitischen Kameldeklarationen, pp. 137-202
This article contains critical remarks on most of the 47 so far published Greek papyri with camel declarations from the Arsinoite nome. Particular attention is paid to the dockets which have been appended by officials after the registration of the declarations and the counting of the animals.
Nikolaos Gonis, Critical Miscellanies, pp. 203-213
The article presents a thematically grouped collection of textual corrections to Greek papyrus documents. It discusses errors, presumed or real, of ancient writers; the interpretation a various abbreviations; the reading of a number of names; and some minutiae in papyri housed in Florence.
Lucia Colella, Note a papiri documentari, pp. 215-219
Corrections on five documentary papyri from the 3rd cen. A.D.: BGU XI 2118, 23; P. Hamb. I 14, 10; P. Oxy. XX 2278, 2-3; PSI III 249, 3-4; P. Strasb. III 153, 16-17.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Michele Bandini, Dall’epistolario di Dino Pieraccioni: voci in ricordo di Giorgio Pasquali e Medea Norsa, pp. 223-235
The paper contains the edition of some documents taken from the correspondence of Dino Pieraccioni, one of the most affectionate pupils of Giorgio Pasquali and Medea Norsa: a postcard by Eduard Fraenkel and seven letters by Alessandro Setti, Fredi Chiappelli, Salvatore Impellizzeri, Paolo Emilio Poesio, Antonio Berti, Laura Giabbani, Domenico Pesce. A nostalgic feeling emerges from the memories of these witnesses of an extraordinary age for classics in Florence.
Libri ricevuti
Adriano Magnani: rec. a V. Piano, Il papiro di Derveni tra religione e filosofia, (Studi e testi per il Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini 18), Firenze 2016, pp. XXIV + 410, 8 Tav. f.t.; ISBN: 9788822264770, pp. 237-242
Maria Serena Funghi, rec. a I. Andorlini, πολλὰ ἰατρῶν ἐστι συγγράμματα, Volume II. Edizioni di papiri medici greci, a cura di N. Reggiani, (STUSMA 6), Firenze-Milano 2018, pp. X + 294; ISBN 9788800748216, pp. 242-242
Agostino Soldati, rec. a J.A. Cromwell, Recording Village Life. A Coptic Scribe in Early Islamic Egypt, (New Texts from Ancient Cultures, s.n.), Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, [2017], pp. xxiv + 287; ISBN 978-0-472-13048-1, pp. 244-245
Indici a cura di Diletta Minutoli, pp. 247-251
Christian Vassallo, P. Herc. 1788 ([Philodemi] [Philosophorum Historia?]): Introduction, Edition and Commentary, pp. 7-56
P. Herc. 1788 was unrolled before 1835 and appears today as a fragmentary scorza, undecipherable and in a poor state of repair. However, five Neapolitan disegni of this papyrus have been handed down. They contain 9 fragments, the first 8 of which Wilhelm Crönert thought belong to an Epicurean polemical writing, more precisely the section of a Verteidigungsschrift very similar to Demetrius Laco’s work transmitted by P. Herc. 1012. Most recent studies have tried to attribute P. Herc. 1788 to an unknown work by Philodemus. This Herculanean text is all the more important for citing a large number of Presocratic philosophers, from Thales to Gorgias. In the Vorsokratiker, Hermann Diels, drawing on Crönert’s edition, used P. Herc. 1788 to complete his collection of testimonia concerning Leucippus, Democritus, and Pythagoras. The paper attempts to review the papyrological and philosophical questions raised by this interesting Herculanean text, in order to put forward new proposals for attributing it to a better specified Epicurean work.
Antonio López García – Gabriella Messeri, Dai papiri del kôm Kâssûm: edizione di P. Flor. 388c + P. Flor. 388b e P. Flor. 388a, pp. 57-90
This paper provides the editio princeps of P. Flor. 388c + 388b and P. Flor. 388a. The text is written on three large papyrus fragments belonging to the private archive of «the kôm Kâssûm family» (TM Arch ID 555). They concern payments of several taxes (laographia, pig tax, ennomion, etc.) paid in money to the bank of Hermopolis Magna and in kind to the village granary of Sinagheris in the 10th and 11th year of Traianus (106-108p). A special feature of the text is the large number of place names which allows a better topographical knowledge of the Hermopolite nome.
Francesca Maltomini, Ricongiunzione di P. Flor. 388c + P. Flor. 388b e considerazioni su P. Flor. 388a, pp. 91-95
The paper provides a reconstruction of the order and the position of P. Flor. 388b and P. Flor. 388c in the roll they originally belonged to. The possible provenance of P. Flor. 388a from the same roll is also discussed.
Bianca Borrelli, PSI XIV 1415 recto: frammento di rendiconto di entrate e uscite, pp. 97-101
This paper presents the editio princeps of the recto-side of PSI XIV 1415, which contains the remnants of an account of receipts and expenditure dated to the 23rd year of an emperor (Antoninus Pius, Commodus or Caracalla). In particular, the surviving section of the document deals with the teeth (σκυτάλαι) of the cogwheels of irrigation machines.
Diletta Minutoli, Due datazioni tra i frammenti papiracei della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (PL III/556 e PL III/1016), pp. 103-108
Two small fragments of documentary papyri report only the date formulas: the first one, the final part of a contract, was written during the Reign of Philip I & Philip II and the second one, too fragmentary to be assigned to a typology of document, was written during the Reign of Decius jointly with his sons.
Hermann Harrauer – Rosario Pintaudi, Quittung über Darlehensrückzahlung (P. Schøyen inv. MS 244/33), pp. 109-111
Edition of a seventh cen. receipt. Theotimos, son of a tabellio, declares to have given back some money through his “brother”, a professional scribe.
Alain Delattre – Catherine Louis, Un fragment copte du Post reditum a priore exilio de Jean Chrysostome (CPG 4398) découvert à Antinooupolis, pp. 113-118
Preliminary presentation of newly discovered fragments of a papyrus codex which contained the first Coptic translation of the homily Post reditum a priore exilio of John Chrysostom.
Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin, Une malédiction copte sur un ostracon d’Antinoupolis, pp. 119-122
Edition of a Coptic separation spell on an ostrakon from Antinoopolis.
Walter Lapini, Osservazioni su versi comici da papiro (Adespota 1062, 1146 e 1104 Kassel-Austin), pp. 123-143
The essay aims at making some textual, stylistic and exegetical remarks on three unattributed comic fragments preserved by papyri. (1) Fr. 1062 KA = PSI X 1175: the analysis mainly concerns vv. 6, 8 and 12; a new understanding of the fragment last section is proposed. (2) Fr. 1146 KA = P. Duk. inv. 313 R (b) (the so called Comoedia Dukiana): it is offered a new translation of v. 19, grounded on διατριβή in the sense of «linger, waste time». (3) Fr. 1104 KA = P. Oxy. XXXV 2742: ll. 11-12, 14, 20, 22-32 of F 1 are especially examined.
Nathan Carlig, Observations codicologiques sur PSI I 18 + 19 (MP3 344 + 1207; LDAB 2412), pp. 145-154
The paper deals with the codicological reconstruction of PSI I 18 + 19, two papyrus leaves from a miniature schoolbook. PSI I 18 contains the end of a tractate “On the metrical feet” (Περὶ ποδῶν) followed by the initial title and the beginning of Dionysius Thrax, Ars Grammatica, while the leaf PSI I 19 contains questions and corresponding answers on the Homeric poems. After a detailed description of both leaves, their content, layout, writing, and state of conservation, we show that the leaves are part of the same bifolium and we discuss their possible position in the original quire.
Salvatore Costanza, P. Param. 4 testimone dell’Ur-Melampus e la genesi dei trattati palmomantici, pp. 155-168
P. Param. 4 (= P. Vindob. Gr. 2859 verso) was edited by A. Papathomas (2004) as a fragment on involuntary movements of body parts observed as omens. It newly appeared in a catalogue of documents concerning oracular prophecies, magic and divination from the Austrian National Library published by A. Zdiarsky (2015). The above-named palmomantic papyrus is described by B. Palme, who is also the author of a useful introduction to divination in Antiquity and related papyrological literature. As far as concerns the Papyrus of Vienna, we can give an affirmative answer to Palme’s question by pointing out that it is a witness of the ps.-Melampous’ recension A known from other papyri and Medieval manuscripts. It does allow a valuable comparison with the extant version A, in order to reconstruct Melampous’ text. However, it deals with twitches in arms, not in legs, as Palme states. Therefore, it is necessary to amend his outline in view of the already acquired results about this papyrus On quivers, which was finally edited in Corpus Palmomanticum Graecum, Florence 2009, nr. 6.
Roberto Mascellari, Gli attributi del mese “corrente”, pp. 169-175
This contribution points out that the present participle of εἰμί starts becoming the regular attribute of the “current month” from the middle of the II century CE at the earliest, whereas the perfect participle of ἐνίϲτημι remains the attribute for the “current year”. These considerations necessitate corrections to the transcription or dating of various papyri.
Hermann-Harrauer – Rosario Pintaudi, Fischmarktzettel?, pp. 177-181
Edition of a small fragment of papyrus representing a Tilapia fish. Probably it was the price tag used in the fish market for this kind of goods.
Moamen Mohamed Othman – Mohamed Abd El-Rahman – Eid Mertah – Eslam Shaheen – Mohamed Ibrahim – Ahmed Tarek, Il papiro nascosto di Tutankhamon. Indagine Diagnostica Multispettrale sul papiro dipinto della sedia di Tutankhamon, pp. 183-198
This is the edition of the survival part of the remains of rush-work chair (so called by H. Carter), with painted fragments of the Papyrus of Tutankhamun, covering the seat (Cairo Museum, JE 62034), which was found in the Tomb of Tutankhamun, in position opposite to the doorway of annex, on the top of the material stacked against the West wall. It was far decayed and broken for restoration. In this paper, we show an integrated approach by several methods on this unseen painted fragments of the Papyrus of Tutankhamun; we apply a reliable surface imaging method for non-destructive analytical techniques, that can be used to identify pigments and substrates. In this study, we were able to examine and study the morphology of the papyrus, using Multi-spectral imaging, opening new perspectives to the diagnosis and the study of the surface and structure of the papyrus. They were carried out the following types of multi-spectral analysis: High Resolution Photographing, and Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI); Diagnostic examinations using ultraviolet, infrared fluorescence images (NIR); Visible Light Induced Luminescence (VIL) to detect the presence of the Egyptian Blue. Moreover, the different layers and components of the painted papyrus, linen and painted layer were examined using Portable Dino-Lite Digital Microscope, X-ray fluorescence (P-XRF), also used to identify the pigments. The aim of this study is to highlight these important fragments of painted papyrus, which were found inside the annex of the Tutankhamun’s tomb and they are the only survived parts of one of his chairs. Through the analysis above we were able to study and identify some of the components that never mentioned before: linen support, pigments used for colouring the scenes, and the presence of a resin between the papyrus layers. We made an assessment for the state of conservation for the painted papyrus. This study also will be followed by another research on the same painted papyri written by some of the same authors, titled The virtual reconstruction of the rush-work chair of Tutankhamun.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Klaas A. Worp, A Contribution to the Historiography of the Edition of Greek Magical Papyri, pp. 201-216
Results of research in the publication history of K. Preisendanz († 28.iv.1968), Papyri Graecae Magicae vols I-III (Leipzig-Berlin, 1928, 1931, 1941). Especially vol. III (it happens to be still under the embargo of ‘copyright’; see https://sblhs2.com/2017/10/13/greek-magical-papyri/) features a truly complicated history.
Nicola Reggiani, Il Papiro Tulli: un affaire egittologico tra storia e leggenda, pp. 217-233
The article deals with the Tulli papyrus, an alleged fragment of a hieratic papyrus, now lost, the content of which has been interpreted from time to time as part of a late Book of the Dead, as the ‘proof’ of an ancient Egyptian UFO sighting from the annals of Thutmosis III, and as a not very much skilful forgery. The main steps of the history of the fragment – from its ‘discovery’ by Étienne Drioton and Alberto Tulli to its first transcription and translation by Boris de Rachewiltz, from the first ‘ufological’ interpretations to its academic consideration by Giuseppe Botti, till its recent deconstruction as a forgery by Franco Brussino – will be presented, analysed, and discussed, in the attempt to take stock of an unusual chapter of the history of Egyptological studies.
Indici a cura di Diletta Minutoli, pp. 235-241
Rosario Pintaudi, La Papirologia italiana alla luce del giudizio sui progetti PRIN 2015, pp. 7-9
Some consideration about the results of the competition for the allocation of the Italian Ministerial fund for the Scientific Research (PRIN).
Diletta Minutoli, Due frammenti letterari adespoti della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: PL III/280 A; B, pp. 13-17
Fragments of two unknown literary texts are here transcribed. The first belongs probably to a papyrus roll; the second is a codex page. No stilistic peculiarity helps us to attribute the texts to any known authors and works.
Lincoln H. Blumell – Michael R. Trotter, Three New Fragments from the J. Rendel Harris Collection (Birmingham), pp. 19-27
This article presents editions of three previously unpublished Greek texts in the J. Rendel Harris Collection: an amulet quoting Palms 1,6-2,1; an order from the “Philantinoos Archive” and a copy of a receipt from a roll or daybook.
Alain Delattre – Paul Heilporn – Alain Martin – Naïm Vanthieghem, Trois fragments de registres de la Bibliothèque Laurentienne, pp. 29-47
Edition of three documentary papyri from the collection of the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: – 1. Account book (PL III/742). Oxyrhynchites (?), IInd c. AD; – 2. Land register (PL III/171a). Oxyrhynchites, 2nd half of the IIIrd c. AD; – 3. Tax register (PL III/454). Middle Egypt (?), VIth c. AD.
Diletta Minutoli, Frammento di contratto? (PL III/512), pp. 49-58
The edition of a new documentary papyrus, kept in the Medicea Laurentiana Library, points out the difficulty to understand the nature of the contract. One of the main points of interest is the reading Κωνστα.[ ]ν̣α in l. 5: an adjective referring to solids, not yet attested in papyrological documents.
Gabriella Messeri, Riedizione di PSI V 448. Rapporto di episkepsis ed edizione del conto privato presente sul verso, pp. 59-69
The present paper deals with a new edition of PSI V (1917) 448, an official report about the episkepsis of some dry land in fiscal deduction located in the Hermopolite nome. Just after the editio princeps Bernard Grenfell markedly improved the text, though one of his important suggestions was left out. The report is written on the recto of the papyrus; on the verso there is a private account by the same hand; the account is here published for the first time. The papyrus belongs to the family archive retrieved in the house buried in the kôm Kâssûm at Hermopolis Magna (TM Arch ID 555).
Alain Delattre – Rosario Pintaudi – Agostino Soldati, O. Medin. Madi: riedizioni e nuovi testi, pp. 71-94
Among the Greek texts published in appendix to the report of the excavations held by the Università degli Studi di Milano in Madınat Madı during the years 1968-1969 there are eleven Proto-Byzantine ostraca bearing receipts for an unexpressed tax. All the documents exhibit a very similar formulary. In the present article, beside a re-edition of those texts, we publish a few new kindred receipts hailing from the same archaeological context, as well as some later documents sharing several features with them.
Dieter Hagedorn, Bemerkungen zu Urkunden, pp. 95-106
In this article the author proposes some corrections to Greek documentary papyri from Egypt.
Roberto Mascellari, Note di lettura a papiri documentari: P. Oxy. I 38, P. Bastianini 17, P. Mil. Vogl. IV 222, pp. 107-115
Additions and corrections to documentary papyri: P. Oxy. I 38 l. 18; P. Bastianini 17 recto col. II ll. 5-6 and O. Crum 465 l. 4; P. Mil. Vogl. 222 ll. 7-8 and 12-16.
Paola Pruneti, Alcune considerazioni sui biglietti di invito, pp. 117-128
This article examines forty-five invitations to dine assigned to second and third century; of all the most numerous (thirty-eight) are from Oxyrhynchus. The invitations are expressed either to religious or private events; all show the same formulary.
Lucio Del Corso – Laura Lulli, Le avventure di Eracle in un papiro tolemaico: per una riedizione di P. Lond. Lit. 190, pp. 129-180
New edition and commentary of P. Lond Lit. 190, an early 3rd century B.C. tattered bookroll from a mummy cartonnage found in Medinet Gurob by W.M. Flinders Petrie during the 1890 season of his excavations in the Fayyum. On the few surviving fragments it is possible to read mentions to some of Herakles’ adventures, and especially an account of the fight between him and Hippocoon, who exiled from Sparta his brother Tyndareos and took the power on the city for a short time. This text was probably part of a longer mythographic work written around the 4th century B.C., as pointed out by its diction.
Giuseppe Russo, Padri vili e figli eroi nella declamazione greco-romana: P. Hamb. II 134, pp. 181-196
P. Hamb. II 134 contains the epilogue of a declamation. A son, having become a war hero and being therefore entitled by law to obtain from the state any reward he wants, asks for his father to be saved from the capital punishment he has been sentenced to for desertion. The father pleads against his son’s request. It is the aim of the present article to re-edit this papyrus and to discuss the textual and exegetical problems it poses.
Francesco Valerio, Quattro note al Vienna Epigrams Papyrus (CPR XXXIII), pp. 197-202
Four textual notes on the so called Vienna Epigrams Papyrus (CPR XXXIII). At col. V 28 read ἡ φλ̣ύ̣οϲ Ἱππάρχη (ἥφα̣τ̣οϲ Ἱππάρχη ed. pr.). At col. VI 12 read Π̣α̣[ϲ]ιφίλη, τόν μ᾽ εὖντα καὶ ἐγκρύφι̣ο̣<ν καὶ ‿ ×> (.[ ]. φιλητον μ᾽ εὖντα καὶ ἐγκρυφ. ed. pr.). At col. VI 25 read μοῦ]ν̣οϲ ἐ̣γώ. At fr. (a)v 15 read ε̣ἶ̣ξ̣ο̣ν̣ ἐ̣μοὶ καὶ μή [μ᾽ ἐκ]λ̣ίμπανε (ε.μοι και μη [.]λ̣ιμπανε ed. pr.).
Claudio Meliadò, Sul verso di P. Laur. III 56: note di lettura, pp. 203-205
A new look at P. Laur. III 56 allows to provide a more reliable edition of the back side of this papyrus.
Menico Caroli, Timone di Fliunte, Euripide e Potamone: nuove ipotesi di attribuzione per PSI XV 1476, pp. 207-235
Fragments of PSI XV 1476 (MP3 1583.3), from a gnomic anthology with sententiae, suggest new attributions of texts to Timon of Phlius (the first taken from a papyrus), Euripides and Potamon, an obscure poet of the so-called New Comedy.
Raffaele Luiselli, Il toponimo pygela in un frammento di Ipponatte, pp. 237-239
PSI IX 1089, col. ii is the principal source for Hipponax, fr. 92 W.2 (= 95 Dg.2 = 64 Md.). A correction in line 15 seems to have passed unnoticed by all editors. Eta in πυγελησι̣[ was crossed out and replaced above the line by three letters, of which scanty traces survive. These can be read as λ̣ο̣ι̣. Therefore, it seems that the reading Πυγέλησι was emended to Πυγέλλοισι. The latter is unmetrical, and is likely to be a slip for Πυγέλοισι.
Salvatore Costanza, Nuove acquisizioni palmomantiche: P. Mich. inv. 4281B; P. Runnels, pp. 241-254
New papyrological acquisitions relating to palmomancy, the observation of involuntary movements of body parts, are worthy of being examined. In particular, P. Mich. inv. 4281b is a witness for the first entries of the medieval version A of the Pseudo-Melampous, as well as another fragment from the Michigan collection (XVIII 766). P. Runnels from a private collection concerns quivering shoulder-blades and arms and it shows similarities with the extant version B. Peculiarities of the newly edited palmomantic papyri are discussed. In P. Mich. inv. 4281b, hilastic prayers to traditional pagan deities recur, while P. Runnels lists spasms according to the regular sentence of quivering literature
Giuditta Mirizio, Archetypes and Antigrapha in the Papyrological Documentation. Preliminary Considerations, pp. 255-271
The present contribution aims at examining a particular pattern of communication, employed for the exchange of information between the offices of Ptolemaic Egypt: the “cascade-letters”. This definition refers to the mechanism of appending letters by copying them in the same sheet of papyrus, one after the other, often in chronological order. This model, which relates to certain stylistic, textual, visual and material features, is frequently introduced and marked by the formula ἀντίγραφον ὑπόκειται, “a copy is subjoined below”, and finds many parallels in the administrative documents. Four instances of the process will outline the main characteristics connected to it, will show the stages behind the scenes, following the successive steps which made up the chain, and will distinguish the choices of communication of the various officials involved in the hierarchy. Multiplication of documents and reuse of files are further aspects that will be taken into account in the overview, together with the attempt to retrace the motivations for the adoption of the model from the perspective of the functionaries.
Valeria Piano, Sull’autore del P. Herc. 1067: una nuova lettura della subscriptio, pp. 273-283
The paper presents a new reading of the subscriptio of P. Herc. 1067 emerged from a recent autoptic examination of the entire roll. The text contained in the papyrus is usually identified with an Oratio in Senatu habita ante principem in agreement with the conclusion reached by Felice Costabile in a study published in 1984. The preservation of the roll’s final title has been brought to scholars’ attention by Gianluca Del Mastro in 2005, when he also showed that the subscriptio associated by Costabile to P. Herc. 1475 actually belongs to P. Herc. 1067. The examination of the original confirms Del Mastro’s hypothesis about the erroneous association of the final title of P. Herc. 1067 with P. Herc. 1475, but it also shows that the first letters of the title are not compatible with L. Ṃạ[nli Torqua]ṭ[i, as proposed by Costabile. By contrast, the palaeographic evidence clearly shows that the text contained in P. Herc. 1067 was written by a member of the Annaei family. Moving from this point and taking into consideration other tiny traces of ink preserved in that line of the subscriptio, the present paper challenges the identification of the text with an oration delivered in the Senate and proposes instead to identify its author with Seneca the Elder, whose authorship is also supported by thematic and chronological considerations.
Giuliana Franzè, Scelte traduttive della terminologia critico-esegetica del Περὶ Ὕψους nella traduzione di Domenico Pizzimenti, pp. 285-299
After a short introduction about the first editions and latin translations of the Περὶ Ὕψους, the article discusses some translating choices of the keywords ὕψος, πάθος and μέγεθος, and of the critical-exegetic terminology in Domenico Pizzimenti, a Calabrian humanist who was a doctor, critical and one of the first translators of the Greek treatise.
Andrea Filocamo, Moneta prezzo e moneta merce in C.Th. 9.23.1. Tra legge di Gresham e penuria monetae, pp. 301-317
In the middle of IV century, the law 9.23.1 of the Theodosian Code forbids the melting down and the transport of bronze coins from one place to another for speculative sale. In order to obstruct the speculation, originated from the scarcity of money in Gaul, the emperor command that some coins must be treated as pretium and not as merx: their worth should not be the one determined by the metal contained in it, but the one assigned to it by the state. Neverthless, the law is complex and ambiguous. Delmaire provided a satisfactory interpretation of the law on the whole, but I suggest a different explanation of the terms contained in it, such as pecunia in usu publico constituta (bronze coins which have legal tender, in our case maiorinae and centenionales) or pecunia vetita (bronze coin which should not be handled, in our case – I think – coins of the usurpers).
Moamen Othman – Mohamed Abdel-Rahman – Ahmed Tarek – Amre Mostafa – Eslam Shaheen, From Visual Documentation to Conservation Implementation: A Holistic Treatment Approach to Papyrus CG 40005 = Boulaq 22, pp. 319-347
The papyrus CG 40005 = Boulaq 22, belonging to ‘Henuttauy’ and discovered in a Royal Cache in Deir el-Bahari in 1872, is decorated with scenes and texts from the Book of the Dead. The papyrus Boulaq 22 is well known to Egyptologists, but it has not been completely studied. Reflectance transformation imaging (RTI) is a new imaging technique that creates hyper-realistic digital surrogates that are interactively controlled by the viewer. Indeed, (RTI) has been successful for acquiring and recording the texture information of the papyrus CG 40005 = Boulaq 22. The RTI method can have a profound impact on the conservator’s ability to analyze an ancient inscription. Furthermore, the RTI method is a fresh examination of the original papyrus that inevitably reveals some new insights into the process of manufacturing such a roll; the papyrus Boulaq 22 itself provides clues for how to proceed. It is possible to study the way the scribes put the papyrus together. With this (RTI) method, we can read the material and its structure for whatever signs of deterioration they might offer: color changes, accretions, brittleness, loose structures, fractured elements, distortions, and previous repairs pointing to worn or weakened areas. Indeed, a number of studies have been undertaken at the GEM to examine and identify the pigments used on the papyrus Boulaq 22 manuscript with hieratic and color illustration. Before conservation, the papyrus CG 40005 = Boulaq 22 differed greatly in appearance, due largely to the methods of preservation that had been used in the nineteenth century. Following a mounting system very common over the last centuries, the papyrus had been glued to backing material which is unsuitable for preservation (poor quality cardboard, with a high acidic component). Since the degradation of papyrus can also be increased by the glues (gelatin, starch glue, etc.) used to adhere papyri to backings, removing of old unsuitable backings was necessary to eliminate the causes of damage and to prevent further damages to the papyrus. The conservators at the GEM conducted a comparative study of different techniques for the removal of pressure-sensitive old unsuitable backings from the papyrus. To achieve this goal it was necessary to find a technique that could be undertaken by the conservators at GEM, using non-hazardous materials and not causing damages to the papyrus. The aim of this research was to evaluate different techniques for the backing removal and lining on papyrus. After removing the old cardboard, the papyrus was remounted using a Japanese style technique for lining as a new support for the papyrus and at the same time the whole papyrus, which was cut into seven pieces in an old intervention, was reassembled.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Todd M. Hickey – James G. Keenan, At the Creation. Seven Letters from Grenfell, 1897, pp. 351-382
An annotated edition of seven letters written by B.P. Grenfell during his first season digging at al-Bahnasa (the ancient Oxyrhynchus). The letters possess an immediacy lacking in published accounts of the excavation and supply important new details.
Rosario Pintaudi, Schêch Farag el-bedawi, pp. 383-390
A short note on Schêch Farag el-bedawi, merchant of papyri, through some letters of F. Ballerini sent to his parents.
Francesco Pagnotta, Lo scolopio e il venerato maestro: il carteggio Pistelli-Vitelli, pp. 391-444
The complete edition of the remaining correspondence among Ermenegildo Pistelli and Girolamo Vitelli, preserved in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, is published here: it consists of thirty letters and nine postcards, sent between the 16th of August 1883 and the 23rd of February 1925. These exchanges show the importance of Vitelli’s school in the history of classical studies in Italy. Father Pistelli is a devoted student but always sincere: after the advent of fascism, he will also criticize the illustrious and revered teacher.
Alain Martin, Integer vitae scelerisque purus. Un papyrologue méconnu: Josef Lukeš (1893-1942), pp. 445-459
Biographical note about an unrecognized Czechoslovak papyrologist, Josef Lukeš (1893-1942). Lukeš was assassinated by the Gestapo during the reprisals following the attack on Heydrich. A short story and a film were inspired by his tragic fate under the title ‘Higher Principle’.
Rosario Pintaudi, Excusatio, p. 461
Note to excuse the forgetfulness of a bibliographic citation.
Libri ricevuti
Adriano Magnani, rec. a Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini (CPF), Testi e lessico nei papiri di cultura greca e latina, Parte II.2: Sentenze di Autori Noti e «Chreiai», L. Olschki, Firenze 2015, pp. 463-470
Diletta Minutoli, Indici dei volumi XII-XXVII (2000-2015), pp. 471-500
General index (Articles indexed by Author; Book reviews; Texts: discussed, just published and re-edited) of volumes XII-XXVII
Indici a cura di Diletta Minutoli, pp. 501-507
Diletta Minutoli, Ricevuta di sitologi (PL III/1009C), pp. 5-9
A new transfer of credit in grain perhaps belonging to the Dossier of Sarapion alias Apollonianus, which follows the ‘metrema-formula’ well attested since 165 in the Oxyrhynchite Nome. The papyrus, dated to 191‑192 AD, is preserved in the Medicea Laurentiana Library.
Diletta Minutoli, Due finali di contratti (PL III/209 e PL II/10), pp. 11-18
This paper includes the edition of the final part of two fragments of contracts. The first shows three different hands and preserves the date; the second is a very bad preserved receipt, whose point of interest is the indication on the verso, written in a book-hand.
Lincoln H. Blumell, Two Greek Letters from the Petrie and Harris Collections, pp. 19-27
This article presents editions of two previously unpublished Greek letters. One dates to the Roman period and is housed in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College London and the other is housed in the J. Rendel Harris Collection at the University of Birmingham and dates to the Byzantine period.
Alain Delattre – Hermann Harrauer – Rosario Pintaudi, Neues aus der Schule, pp. 29-43
Edition of four school documents from late antique Egypt: a wax tablet, a papyrus, and two wooden tablets. The documents belong to the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana and to Martin Schøyen’s private collection. They contain basic school exercises such as copies of the Greek and the Coptic alphabets, syllabic exercises, names and lists of names.
Alain Delattre, Une tablette de bois de la Bibliothèque Laurentienne (PL III/954), pp. 45-48
Edition of a wooden tablet from the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. The text is an agricultural account coming from the Fayyum area and dating from the 8th century.
Diletta Minutoli, Frammenti magici nella Biblioteca Nazionale di Praga (Gr. III 535 e Gr. III 536), pp. 49-55
Two new magical fragments, housed in the National Library of Prague, present respectively magical signs apparently without meaning and the name of the Archangel Gabriel in Schwindeschema. Both texts are characterized by symbols ornamented with circles or nodes on top of the strokes.
Lucia Floridi, A proposito di una riscrittura di Sapph. fr. 31 Voigt nel cosiddetto “Nuovo Pallada”, pp. 57-67
The article explores one of the poems included in the so-called “New Palladas” collection (P. CtYBR 4000, p. 18, rr. 1-9). My aim is to cast new light on the epigrammatist’s subtle reworking of his model, namely Sapph. fr. 31 Voigt. I conclude with a few remarks on the contents and typology of the new poem as well as on its tentative attribution to Palladas of Alexandria.
Domenico Pellegrino, La κοινότης metodica secondo P. Oxy. LII 3654, fr. 8 verso, pp. 69-84
This paper offers a linguistic and philological analysis of the text of P. Oxy. LII 3654, fr. 8v, which yields a precious definition of the κοινότης – the most important theoretical element of the Methodism – echoing Thessalus of Tralles’ thought; it aims to explore the perspicuity of this definition by considering the three adjectives (προσεχής, ἀναγκαία, ἐνεργής) here referred to κοινότης from the Methodical point of view and by analysing the whole structure of the fragment; in addition, a new translation is offered.
Diletta Minutoli – Rosario Pintaudi, Epimetron favoriniano. Note sul Περὶ φυγῆς di Favorino nei carteggi G. Mercati-M. Norsa-G. Vitelli, pp. 85-127
The P. Vat. Gr. 11, containing Favorinus’ De exilio has been published by G. Vitelli and M. Norsa in 1931 in the series Studi e Testi of the Vatican Library, thanks to the efforts of Cardinal G. Mercati. This article offers, in three different sections, new letters: in the first section are published some letters written by W. Schmid, E. Bethe, O. Immish to Vitelli regarding readings, conjectures and interpretations of this papyrus; in the second the letters of G. De Sanctis to Vitelli with some suggestions on the papyrus are presented, together with some letters addressed to Norsa not included by A. Russi in his article; in the last section are collected letters between Mercati, Norsa and Vitelli regarding again the born of the publication of P. Vat. Gr. 11.
Dieter Hagedorn, Bemerkungen zu Urkunden, pp. 129-138
In this article the author proposes corrections to some Greek documentary papyri from Egypt.
Roberto Mascellari, The dating of SB XVI 12524, SB XIV 11264, and the archiphylakites, pp. 139-141
SB XVI 12524 and SB XIV 11264, which mention archiphylakitai and have been dated to the Augustan age by their editors, are compatible with Ptolemaic dates. The archiphylakites is not otherwise attested in the Roman period.
Agostino Soldati, Θρασώ/Σαθρώ, pp. 143-148
The Fayyumic toponym Θρασώ, usually connected with Coptic ⲧⲉⲣⲥⲱ, is sometimes attested in the plausibly metathetic variant Σαθρώ. The same peculiar Distanzmetathese occurs in the outcome σαθρ- > θρασ- attested in many Modern Greek dialects.
Leslie MacCoull, Further Notes on Talents in the Oases, pp. 149-156
This article offers some considerations regarding the use of the Coptic word ϭⲓⲛϭⲱⲣ / ϭⲛϭⲱⲣ at the same time and with the same meaning as the Greek τάλαντα, in the Oases, especially in reference to P. Kell., P. Kell. Copt. and KAB.
Lucio Del Corso – Massimiliano Munzi, Due epigrafi greche dal villaggio di Khirbat al-Wadah (valle del wadi Zarqa, Giordania), pp. 157-176
From 1993 to 2002 “Sapienza” – University of Rome surveyed the valley of the Wadi Zarqa, discovering a large number of late antique and early Byzantine sites. Among the ruins of one of the largest sites explored, the village of Khirbat al-Wadah, two small Greek inscriptions were found, both very fragmentary, one mentioning the construction of a pyrgos, the other possibly funerary. The paper offers a short account of the discovery and an edition of the two texts, with commentary.
Marcello Spanu, Un mortarium con bollo doliare urbano da Narmouthis (Medinet Madi), pp. 159-183
This paper presents a stamp on a mortarium found in Narmouthis (Medinet Madi). The vessel belongs to the opus doliare, producted in the Tiber valley. The stamp is pertaining to an officinator named Cornelius and it is unknown. Besides to prosopographical problems, the presence of this material gives the opportunity to revise the distribution of the pottery and the stamps, widespread in the Mediterranean.
Moamen Othman – Abdel Rahman Medhat – Ahmed Tarek, Archeometric and Conservation Study for the Handle of Dagger from Ghazala, pp. 185-192
The paper focuses on a decorated handle of knife discovered in Ghazala, Tell el Farkha. In order to identify its material, nondestructive investigations were carried out: multispectral scanner, light optical microscopy, UV and IR imaging techniques, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy, and Fourier Transform Infrared – Attenuated Total Reflection. Finally the conservation process is described, including pre-consolidation and re-assembling of the object.
Fatma Ali Abbas, Genius on Follis from Reign of Diocletian until Constantine the Great, pp. 193-199
The paper presents the edition of a selection of late-antique bronze coins kept in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, all bearing the image of the Genius. This small catalogue is introduced by general remarks on the meaning of the image of the Genius and its iconography.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Myrto Malouta, Roman Empire and British Imperialism: the Private Archive of J. De M. Johnson’s Excavation in Antinoopolis, pp. 203-230
This article has two aims: the first is to enrich our knowledge regarding past excavations in Antinoopolis, by presenting unpublished material from the 1913/14 excavation by John de Monins Johnson (1882-1956). The material comprises pictures and documents from his time in Egypt, kept in his archive at Oxford University Press, where he worked after his return to the UK. The second aim is to contribute to the discussion regarding the relationship between archaeology and politics. Through the documents and pictures of this archive, which tend to be more personal than the ones published in the excavation reports, an attempt is made to trace the ways in which British imperialist ideology provided the context – and largely shaped – the early development of the field of papyrology.
Francesco Pagnotta – Rosario Pintaudi, Giuseppe Fraccaroli e Girolamo Vitelli: l’Olimpo in tumulto, pp. 233-271
The complete edition of the remaining correspondence among Girolamo Vitelli and Giuseppe Fraccaroli is published here. It is preserved partly in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana and partly in the Biblioteca Civica di Verona and consists of fourteen postcards and nine letters sent between the 20th of August 1889 and the 5th of March 1898. These exchanges are testimony to the optimal rapport between the two Greek scholars during this period before the fateful year of 1899 when, due to their difference, Italian Classical Philology split into two sides thus creating a division between philologists and antiphilologists which, coming out of the hortus conclusus of the classical disciplines, will involve the whole Italian culture.
Max Bergamo, Corrispondenti francofoni di Girolamo Vitelli. Inediti e addenda dalla Bibliothèque Nationale, pp. 273-282
This paper deals with ten hitherto unpublished letters, conserved at the BnF, sent by Girolamo Vitelli to the French scholars Paul Meyer and Louis Havet, thus supplementing the material collected in Livia Radici’s recent book Corrispondenti francofoni di Girolamo Vitelli. The one letter addressed to P. Meyer sheds some light on the too short philological activity of Vitelli’s talented son, Camillo, while the nine letters sent to L. Havet revolve mainly around Vitelli’s contribution to the Mélanges Graux, consisting in a brief textual note on Euripides and Sophocles.
Rosario Pintaudi, In memoria di Achille Vogliano, pp. 283-301
Edition of documents regarding the death of Achille Vogliano.
Karla Vymětalová, Theodor Hopfner, Classical Philologist at the German University in Prague, pp. 303-320
One of the major figures in Classical Philology, who worked in the first half of the 20th century at the German University in Prague, was the professor of Classical Philology dr. Theodor Hopfner. His work dedicated to the History of Magic and witchcraft in Egypt, the sexual life of the ancient Greeks and Romans, is published till today. As a consequence of his friendly relationship with the Austrian papyrologist Carl Wessely the papyri from his private collection were brought to Prague, now known as Papyri Wessely Pragenses.
Pamela Tedesco, Medea Norsa: bibliografia, pp. 321-328
The bibliography is about the egyptologist Medea Norsa (Trieste 1877-Firenze 1952): what she wrote and what the researchers have written about her.
Serena Perrone, Ancora su Augusto Traversa e i primi passi della papirologia genovese, pp. 329-337
The paper traces a biographical profile of the philologist Augusto Traversa (1919-1993), who in the summer of 1954 acquired in Egypt the papyri collection of Genoa University, and highlights the role of his personal initiative in the beginnings of papyrological studies in Genoa.
Rosario Pintaudi, Omnes in pictura laeti, pp. 339-340
Note on three photographs of M. Manfredi, Sebastiano Timpanaro
Indici a cura di Diletta Minutoli, pp. 341-347
Rosario Pintaudi, Premessa, pp. 5-6
Diletta Minutoli, Due frustuli letterari inediti nella Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana: Homerus, Ilias XVI 322-326 (PL III/1008); Isocrates, De Pace 42,2 (PL III/1007), pp. 7-11
Two new little literary fragments of papyrus, kept in the Laurenziana Medicea Library, are here presented. The first, dated between the end of second cen. and the beginning of the third, contains a passage of Ilias before attested in the ancient witnesses only in the famous Ilias Morgan. The second, probably of the second half of the second cen., preserves some words from On the peace of Isocrates.
Lucio Del Corso – Rosario Pintaudi, Isocrate (Contra Loch. 2-15) e un glossario omerico in un papiro laurenziano (PL III/997), pp. 13-26
PL III/997, composed by several fragments, contain literary texts on both sides: on the recto it is possible to read some lines from Isocrates’ Contra Lochitem, and on the verso the tiny remains of a commentary to Hom. Il. book I (only part of notes about ll. 6-10 survives). PL III/997 is the first papyrus so far published bearing Isocrates’ Contra Lochitem, and the first with notes to that part of Iliad’s first book.
Diletta Minutoli, Un nuovo frammento di PSI XI 1198: Isocrates, Ad Nic. 7-9 (PL III/1006), pp. 27-34
A new fragment of papyrus joins the fr. B of PSI XI 1198, returning part of the second column of the scroll containing Ad Nicoclem of Isocrates. A new reading in § 8, although interrupted by a lacuna, doesn’t find other attestations. After the edition of the text follows a reedition of the two fragments now restored.
Rosario Pintaudi, Hypothesis al Niobo di Aristofane?, pp. 35-36
This article regards the edition of a strip of papyrus, assigned to the II cen. CE, containing a lacunous text belonging probably to a not reached hypothesis to the Aristophanes’ Δράματα ἢ Νίοβοϲ.
Fabio Acerbi – Lucio del Corso, Tolomeo in Laurenziana: il primo papiro della Psephophoria (PL II/33), pp. 37-73
Edition and commentary (astronomical and palaeographical) of a papyrus fragment kept in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, PL II/33. The papyrus is the only extant manuscript witness of an astronomical treatise of Claudius Ptolemy, the Procheiron kanonon diataxis kai psephophoria. The date of the papyrus can be set to the period from the second half of the second to the beginning of the third century AD: accordingly, PL II/33 was written close to the period when Ptolemy lived, and is the most ancient manuscript of his works.
Rosario Pintaudi, PL 65+ 66: frammento di rotulus (?) con testo astrologico, pp. 75-78
A new fragment of papyrus, written on recto across the fibres and blank on the verso, preserves maybe an astrological text in a librarian writing assigned to the IV cen. CE.
Salvatore Costanza, Un frammento astrologico (PL 65 + 66), pp. 79-82
PL 65 + 66 offers a testimony of an astrological writing concerning moon knots (l. 6) and such a peculiar moment for divinatory practice as full moon (l. 11). Unlikely P. Ryl. I 27, this fragment gives no mention of either astronomical nor mathematical operations, so we may deduce, it is here matter of star-divination, as if-sentences (see l. 6) very regularly used in order to list prophecies further attest.
Diletta Minutoli, Considerazioni su PSI XIII 1299 e PSI XIII 1306, pp. 83-98
Two Papyri of the Italian Society kept in the Cairo Egyptian Museum and published in 1949 are here revised and examined in all the aspects: from writing, to actual conditions, from textual points to reconstruction of the codex to which they belong. New comments, clarifications and updates are placed at scholars’ disposal.
Enrico Emanuele Prodi, A Bibliological Note on P. Oxy. 659 (Pindar, Partheneia), pp. 99-105
The article re-assesses the evidence for the original format of P. Oxy. IV 659, argues that its columns had 28 to 29 lines each, suggests that the two poems it preserves were the second and third of the book, and briefly entertains the possibility that Pindar’s Partheneia may have been ordered alphabetically by title.
Francesco Galatà, Iperide e le orazioni Per Cherefilo: una rilettura del P. Oxy. 2686, pp. 107-121
The paper proposes a re-appraisal of the text of P. Oxy. 2686 (second century AD), rightly attribuited by the editor princeps J.R. Rea to Hyperides’ ὑπὲρ Χαιρεφίλου περὶ τοῦ ταρίχους; it aims to explore the connection of this trial with the legal procedure called ἀπόφασις and the echo that the charge against Chairephilus, an Athenian naturalized citizen, had in the contemporary comic production.
Salvatore Costanza, Il contributo dei papiri allo studio della divinazione greca, pp. 123-131
With reference to the newly edited Mrs. Beerden’s anthropological and semeiotic inquiry about divination, we must highly appreciate her effort of comparison between New Assyria, Ancient Greece and Roman Republic, but we must object to her statement, that in Greece there was no evidence for the existence of divinatory guidelines. Indeed, we have a noticeable set of Greek divinatory papyri (II-Vp), that offers a direct testimony to various techniques of prognostications. No doubt, these are ultimately the primary source, in order to examine Greek Divination and directly know ideas, methods, and texts of prophetic tradition.
Agostino Soldati, Dai “Papiri Norsa” dell’Università di Padova, 133-151
In the winter of 1935, Medea Norsa entrusted a relative, the distinguished physician Gemma Barzilai, a then lecturer of ‘Social Eugenic’ at the University of Padua, with the delivery of eleven papyri to the latter’s influential president Carlo Anti. They were to be used for experiments aimed at improving their legibility with the aid of both chemical reagents and ‘strengthened’ photography. In the present paper, both Norsa’s letter to Anti and the most representative items of this small collection, now kept at the University of Padua, are published: namely, a fragment of a Homeric roll (A 399-413), an excerpt of a public administrative register, as well as a conspicuous remnant of a vineyard lease for which at least an Oxyrhynchite provenance seems to be likely.
Raffaele Luiselli, Una petizione sul recto di una lettera dell’archivio di Heroninos (P. Prag. inv. Gr. I 87 recto), pp. 153-162
This article offers an edition of the hitherto unpublished petition that is written on the recto of SB VI 9415/9 = P. Prag. Varcl II 30, a letter from the Heroninos archive. The recipient of the petition is a soldier functioning as epi tes eirenes. The complainant, Aurelios [ – ]enaios, is the son of a former magistrate of Arsinoe, and may be identical with Aurelios Eirenaios, the manager of the unit at Euhemeria of the Appianus estate. He reports a violent assault that has been made on his father.
Gabriella Messeri Savorelli – Rosario Pintaudi, Heroniniana V, pp. 163-183
This is the fifth article which focuses on the recto-side of some published documents belonging to the Heroninos’ archive. As the other articles, all published in this same journal (8-9 [1996-1997], pp. 233-258; 12 [2000], pp. 203-219; 18-20 [2006-2008], pp. 83-106; 23-24 [2011-2012], pp. 111-136), the present one analyzes seven documentary texts: five fragments of registers (nn. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7), a fragment of report of grape-harvest (n. 6) and a document of uncertain nature (n. 3).
Rosario Pintaudi, Proposta di liturghi (P. Prag. inv. Scat. A var. 1), pp. 185-187
This documentary papyrus kept in the National Library of Prag, regards the proposal made by the komogrammateus of the villages of Talei and Ibion of some name of rich person who can undertake a liturgy.
Rosario Pintaudi, Copia di una subscriptio del prefetto in un papiro di Praga (Gr. II 317), pp. 189-195
Edition of a fragment of a sheet cut from a papyrus roll kept in the National Library of Prag, datable to the III cen. CE, which contains on the recto a column of an official register. On the verso per fibras there is the ὑπογραφή of the praefectus Aegypti to a petion.
Diletta Minutoli, Frammento di dichiarazione di garanzia (P. Prag. inv. Gr. II 291), pp. 197-202
The papyrus, which has missed the incipit with the date, preserves only the names of the sender and the recipient with their titles. The sender is connected with the Fiscus and the recipient is the deacon of the Catholich Church of Arsinoiton Polis.
Fritz Mitthof – Amphilochios Papathomas, Öl für Kataphraktarier und Maurer: Zwei neue Lieferanweisungen Theons an Sambas, pp. 203-214
The article offers the first edition of two new orders for delivery of oil to workers and military personnel within a late antique estate. The texts belong to the Archive of Theon (Arsinoites, 6th cent. AD). In the first text the recipients of the oil are cataphractarii, whereas in the second they are a builder and three other persons. The papyri reveal new aspects of the administrative and remuneration practices of the estate in question. Moreover, the first papyrus contains a significant late testimony to the use of the terms cataphractarius/cataphractus, which from the era of the Tetrarchs onwards denoted a cavalry rank; the examination of the available documentary evidence on these terms shows that they were so far testified only up to ca. 400 AD.
Alain Delattre – Rosario Pintaudi, Notes de transport d’Oxyrhynchus, d’Antinoupolis et de Tebtynis, pp. 215-222
Edition of six ostraca bearing brief notes concerning transports, probably of wine. The documents come from Oxyrhynchus, Antinoupolis and Tebtynis. They date from the 6th-7th centuries.
Alain Martin, SB I 4424 et les archives d’Hèroninos, pp. 223-233
Re-edition with notes and translation of P. Wessely Pragenses inv. Gr. I 52 F 1 recto (= SB I 4424), a fragment of a λόγος ἀργυρικός from the ‘Heroninos archive’ of the same type (and date?: ca. 222p, 226p or 242p) as P. Laur. I 11 recto, in part. col. II, 16-20. The roll probably contained monthly records of cash submitted to the central administration by a ϕροντιστής of Posidonios’ estate.
Klaas A. Worp, P. Select. 6: a Re-Edition, pp. 235-239
This contribution presents a re-edition of a papyrus published for the first time ca. 50 years ago. The ed. pr. is not quite ‘adequate’ and now, thanks to the availability of a digital photo, stands open to ‘new & better’ understanding.
Rosario Pintaudi, Mixtura papyrologica, pp. 241-260
Some clarifications and reconsiderations of reading on papyri belonging to the collections of Florence (P. Laur., P. Flor. and PSI).
Klaas A. Worp, Nauklêroi, Kybernêtai and Nauklêrokybernêtai and their Ships in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, pp. 261-278
This paper produces a number of new insights (e.g. the kybernêtai of ships in Graeco-Roman Egypt might have been liturgists working for the country’s goverment) and of textual corrections (cfr. in particular the comments to the entries nos. 5, 28, 87, 88, 95, 96, 99, 101 and on p. 275 fn. 5, text no. 16 and above p. 278, observation no. 2.
Hans Förster, Fragment eines Papyruskodex mit Text aus dem Lukasevangelium P. Vat. Copt. Doresse 8, pp. 279-288
The majority of the Coptic texts in the collection Doresse are documentary texts. P. Vat. Copt. Doresse 8 is one of the few literary texts from this collection. It is a fragmentary leaf from a papyrus codex containing the text of the Gospel of Luke (Lk 5:23-26; 5:36-6:1a). The provenance is unknown. For palaeographic reasons it seems possible to place it within the 5th /6th century.
Naïm Vanthiegem, Les archives d’un maquignon d’Égypte médiévale?, pp. 289-311
Edition of nine Arabic deeds of sale of animals, which belong to a well know series of documents recently published by Y. Ragib in Actes de vente d’esclaves et d’animaux (Le Caire, 2002). The papyri come from the Cambridge Michaelides, the Khalili, and the Utah collections.
Rosario Pintaudi, Due timbri in legno da Narmuthis, pp. 313-319
Edition of two wooden molds found in Egypt (Narmouthis, Fayum). Both of large measures, probably for sealing connected with granaries and public lands, are datable to the II-III cen. CE.
Diletta Minutoli, Stampigliature su coperture d’anfora in argilla provenienti da Antinoupolis, pp. 315-358
In occasion of the XV Congress of Egyptology and Papyrology held in Siracuse in December 2013, it was presented the project of the edition of a Corpus of the sealings on the amphora mud stoppers found in Antinoopolis since 1965 till the last Excavations. The almost 2000 pieces are preserved in the storerooms of the house of the Florentine Mission of the Papyrological Institute «G. Vitelli» in El Sheikh ‘Abadah (Egypt). This article focuses on the archaeological evidences from Antinoe and their characteristics put in relation with similar material found in other Egyptian localities.
Rosario Pintaudi – Flora Silvano – Lucio Del Corso – Alain Delattre – Marcello Spanu, Latrones: furti e recuperi da Antinoupolis, pp. 359-402
This article contains the edition of few archaeological finds stolen by clandestine diggers in Antinoupolis and fortunately recovered. They consist in ten glass tesserae representing masks, two inscriptions, two papyri, a mortarium and a marble head.
Mohamed Abd el Rahman, The Grand Egyptian Museum and its Cultural Facilities, pp. 403-404
Short presentation of the Grand Egyptian Museum project in Cairo.
Moamen Othman – Mahmoud el-Behairy, Assessment and Comparison of the Ratio of Degradation between the Interior Parts and the Edges of a Parchment. A Case Study, pp. 405-416
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), polarizing microscope and FTIR analysis have been used to assess the level of degradation of collagen in one parchment. SEM provides information on the overall morphology of the collagen fiber structure; polarizing microscope and FTIR have been used to classify the damage categories of the parchment. This paper offers the first results of the analysis conducted joining such different instruments, which can provide a powerful tool for conservators.
Fatma Samy – Mahmoud el-Behairy – Moamen Othman, Removal of the Poor Quality Backing of a Papyrus of a Dioscorian Poem. Using the Gore-Tex Technique, pp. 417-433
The collection of Greek and Coptic papyri associated with Dioscorus of Aphrodito is one of the most important finds in the history of Papyrology, and has shed considerable light on the law and society of Byzantine Egypt. The Grand Egyptian Museum holds a substantial section of the Dioscorus archive, acquired in 2011 from the collection of the Egyptian Museum. Such papyri display old restorations, as cardboard backing, a method of preservation that had been employed in the nineteenth century, poor quality materials, moreover that were very dangerous for the papyrus and favored its degradation.
The main purpose of this study is to stabilize and preserve one of such papyri, P. Cair. Masp. II 67177, and to remove sources of strain or stress by using a new method of backing removal known as the gore-tex technique. Light microscope imaging was used to observe fine details, polarizing microscopy to identify ink, UV fluorescence imaging to locate the glue under the papyrus, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to identify the adhesive used to attach the papyrus to the cardboard.
- Our study was able to achieve a safe new method of backing removal while minimizing chemical treatments (without needing to fix the ink before the removal process).
- In the removal process, it was possible to remove the cardboard successfully without affecting the surface of the papyrus with humidity, thus maintaining the existing text on the surface of the papyrus, or the papyrus material itself, without dissolving cellulose papyrus. We relied on humidification using water in the form of vapor and gradual humidification.
- This method of moisturizing (gore-tex technique) allowed us to remove the cardboard regularly (layer by layer) and thus succeed in removing the cardboard while avoiding possible mechanical stresses that occur during the removal process itself.
- The removal process did not cause any stresses to the papyrus, and also succeeded in stopping the stress and pressure that was caused by the cardboard backing.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Rosario Pintaudi, Una nota poco nota di G. Vitelli su Orazio (Serm. II 1,86), pp. 437-439
Here there is the reproduction of a small philological annotation published by G. Vitelli in a booklet for the earthquacke of 1883.
Davide Debernardi, Ritratto bibliografico di Girolamo Vitelli, pp. 441-490
A biographical sketch of Girolamo Vitelli (1849-1935) through a tentative digest of bibliographical notes.
Luciano Bossina, Chioma antica e chioma moderna, pp. 491-492
Greek Epigram by Girolamo Vitelli in honour of Rudolf Pfeiffer for his successful restoration of Callimachus’ Coma Berenices.
Francesco Pagnotta, Padre Pistelli e il genio di D’Annunzio, pp. 493-497
Girolamo Vitelli was as an admirer of Giovanni Pascoli, as a detractor of Gabriele d’Annunzio, considered an ugly man and a mediocre artist. One of his students, Father Ermenegildo Pistelli, devoted but always sincere, wasn’t of the same opinion: he put aside the moral judgments and could look away, recognizing D’Annunzio’s genius.
Indici a cura di Paola Pruneti, pp. 499-508
Rosario Pintaudi, Anna Maria Colombo Bartoletti (1926-2012), pp. 7-10
Commemoration of Anna Maria Colombo Bartoletti.
Diletta Minutoli, Incipit di tre documenti: PL III/211, PL III/382D e PL III/982, pp. 11-16
These papyrus fragments contain the beginning of three documentary texts and are preserved in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana of Florence. Their interest is in the datations: the first (PL III/211) Ptolemaic of the first half of II cen. BC; the second (PL III/382D) of the second half of II cen. AD and the last one (PL III/983) of the end of III AD. The latter is another evidence of the Consuls Nummius Tuscus and Annius Anullinus.
Rosario Pintaudi, Una nota a P. Flor. II 114, pp. 17-18
On the upper margin of P. Flor. II 114, a papyrus codex containing the so called Encomium ducis Romani, it is possible to read a fading number, probably the number of the quire. This has important consequences on the reconstruction of the original manuscript, a very debated issue since the editio princeps, raising strong polemics about great scholars as D. Comparetti and G. Vitelli.
Raffaele Luiselli, Vacche per Heroninos (a proposito di SB VI 9415/1), pp. 19-22
In SB VI 9415/1 (= P. Prag. Varcl II 22), lines 3-4, τραφῆ|ναι is to be read in place of γραφῆ|ναι.
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio, Un dibattito processuale bilingue, il De Trinitate di Faustino Luciferiano, il Salmo 52, e un’Exercitatio Scribendi latina: il PSI XIII 1309, un felice riciclo dalla Ossirinco della tarda antichità, pp. 23-52
PSI XIII 1309 is a fragmentary papyrus sheet from Oxyrhynchus whose recto contains a trial debate before the praeses of the province of Arcadia (V AD); this paper offers a new edition and in-depth examination of the documentary recto of the papyrus to provide a more solid basis for judging the literary verso, of which an editio princeps is given. The verso (V AD, second half) contains a few lines of Faustinus Luciferianus’ De Trinitate (of which the papyrus represents the most ancient witness), the complete Psalm 52 following a Latin version exactly known neither by the Vetus Latina nor by Jerome, and a Latin exercitatio scribendi.
Rosario Pintaudi, PSI V 514, 3: νύκτα οὖν ἡμέραν ποιούμενοc, pp. 53-54
The article discusses the proverbial expression νύκτα οὖν ἡμέραν ποιούμενοϲ, which can be found in one letter of the Zeno archive, PSI V 514, 3. The origin of it is found in a passage by Herodotus, II 133, 4-5, concering pharaoh Micerinos.
Daniela Colomo – Lucio Del Corso, Un’annotazione problematica (in margine a P. Oxy. XVIII 2181: Platone, Fedone), pp. 55-63
The article suggests a new interpretation of a short annotation written on the left margin of P. Oxy. XVIII 2181 (Plato, Phaedo), fr. 19: not οὕ(τως) ᾱ but οὕ(τως) ἀ(ντίγραφον). This new reading is followed by a short discussion of the meaning of the term ἀντίγραφον.
Lucio Del Corso, Disiecta colligere: un’antologia gnomica tra Londra e Heidelberg (P. Grenf. II 6B + P. Hib. II 224 + P. Heid. Inv. G. 434)?, pp. 65-78
The article suggests the possibility that P. Grenf. II 6b, P. Hib. II 224 and P. Heid. inv. G. 434 are written by the same hand and are all part of the same gnomic anthology. This tenative and highly speculative suggestion could have interesting consequences on the philological reconstruction of the texts transmitted by the papyri. Starting from this supposition, the text of P. Grenf. II 6b is considered, suggesting that it contains gnomai instead of unknown tragedy, as supposed till now.
Walter Lapini, Due note sul P. Bodmer XXVI (Menandro, Aspis 357 e 464), pp. 79-81
Textual notes on Menander’s Aspis: 357 read διοικεῖ καὶ περίεισι instead of διοικῆσαι περίεισι; 464 read θανατοῦς βλέπεις or θανατοῦν βλέπεις instead of θανάτους βλέπεις.
Cristiano Berolli, Il poemetto di Dorotheos ὁ δεσπό̣[τ]η̣ς̣ πρὸς τοὺς πά̣[σχο]ν̣τας (P. Bod. XXXIV), 83-173
This article aims to provide a new critical edition of the cryptical poem ὁ δεσπό̣[τ]η̣ς̣ πρὸς τοὺς πά̣[σχο]ν̣τας attributed to Dorotheus (revising the ed. princeps by A. Hurst and J. Rudhardt). After an introduction, where origin, literary genre, content and possible monastic background of the text are analyzed, I supply a diplomatic transcription, with critical apparatus and translation of the poem, of P. Bodmer XXXIV, followed by a detailed textual exegetic commentary.
Lucia Maddalena Tissi, Edizione critica, traduzione e commento dell’inno magico 5 Pr (PGM III 198-228), pp. 175-208
The dichotomous juxtaposition between religion and magic, deriving from James George Frazer’s theories, has implied, in the study of classics, a gap regarding many magical texts and particularly the magical hymns. In this paper I offer a new papyrological edition of the magical hymn 5 Preisendanz, contained in the Louvre papyrus no. 2391 better known as PGM III (lines 198-228). This edition is supported by a textual commentary, a translation into Italian and an accurate description of the praxis linked to this magical hymn.
Sergio Alessandrì, La cronologia di P. Vat. Gr. 11r. (P. Marm.), pp. 209-241
P. Marm. is an administrative text, that its editors define as “land registers” with fiscal purpose, and date at the 31st or, at most, at 32nd reign year of Commodus (190/1 or 191/2 A.D.). This conjecture does not reconcile itself to the frequently quoted quinquennium, 16th-20th years, wich the same editors relate to the Commodus reign (175/6-179/180 A.D.) and consider as the chronological basis of the fiscal evaluation of real estates. As it is very difficult to believe that a reference was made to an evaluation of 15 years before, it must be admitted that the quinquennium in question is to be related to the reign of Septimius Severus and his sons, that’s to say to the years 207/8-211/2 A.D. Such a dating is confirmed by the mention of the prefect Claudius Iulianus, in office in the years between 203(?) and 205 A.D., as well as by the incipit of a diastroma, present at the verso, between the coll. 18 and 19, where a reference is made to the 23d year of Caracalla’s reign (215 A.D.).
Daniele Castrizio, Demosios zygos e idiotikos zygos: un’interpretazione numismatica, pp. 243-256
A papyrus of the 6th century AD found at Antinoupolis allows us to reopen the controversy about the idiotikos zygos and demosios zygos, offering new grounds for investigation and criticism of the currently prevailing scientific positions. In the papyrus you cannot set up the idiotikos zygos as a tax, because there was no provision for public registration of that private document. This report aims to propose a new solution on the reasons that justify the idiotikos zygos next to demosios zygos.
Leslie MacCoull, Niches in an Ecosystem: the Choice of Coptic for Legal Instruments in Late Antique Egypt, pp. 257-276
The paper surveys the first papyrological evidences on the usage of Coptic for legal instruments in late antique Egypt, focusing on the social reasons of the choice of that language instead of Greek.
Documenti per una storia della Papirologia
Rosario Pintaudi, A Wessely quel che è di Wessely, pp. 279-306
After a short introduction about the role of Karl Wessely in the constitution of the Prague collection of papyri, the article offers reproductions of some of the original transcriptions made by him, which can help modern scholars not only to reconstruct the history of the collection itself, but also to the edition and the interpretation of the texts.
Davide Debernardi, «Altro che greco e papirologia!»: dalle lettere genovesi di Girolamo Vitelli, pp. 307-331
24 family letters (1924-1935) by Girolamo Vitelli addressed to his wife Marianna, his son-in-law Dante Pacchioni and his grand-daughter Marilli (Genoa) and partly concerning political life, classical studies (Wilamowitz) and papyrology (Pistelli, Norsa).
Hermann Harrauer, Unveröffentlichte Korrespondenz von Alfred Körte, pp. 333-346
Edition of some of the letters sent by Alfred Körte to G. Vitelli and M. Norsa, concerning especially philological problems involved in the edition of literary papyri in the PSI collection.
Indici, pp. 347-349